Our Aims

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Increase equality of access at the entry-level of the legal profession
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Assist in the development of students and graduates who demonstrate the aptitude and potential to enter and excel within the legal profession
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Level the playing field: to act as a mechanism through which eligible students are placed on an equal footing relative to their counterparts from more ‘traditional’ backgrounds
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Facilitate the identification by law firms and other organisations of key talent among students from Black and non-traditional backgrounds
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BSN Grassroots aims to make a vital contribution by upskilling its members for career success!

BSN Grassroots is the core student offering delivered by the Black Solicitors Network (BSN) at a national level. BSN Grassroots offers networking, social and professional development events, work experience opportunities and mentorship to its undergraduate and graduate student members.

The Grassroots Programme is BSN Grassroots’ flagship annual programme which is designed to promote and increase equality of access to the legal profession by assisting students from Black and non-traditional backgrounds to access a career in law. The Grassroots Programme is offered (subject to a formal application process) to eligible, undergraduate and post-graduate students from Black and non-traditional backgrounds.

The Grassroots Programme encompasses a series of careers and skills workshops delivered by legal professionals and is designed to help upskill participants for a successful career in law. To find out more about the Grassroots Programme click here.

To become a member of BSN Grassroots and to receive communications regarding upcoming events and other student/career-focused opportunities click here.